Celeron & Orazzio

  • Celeron


    Produced by us here at Paradise Cresties out of Dee Dee and Zazzle

    Dee Dee was produced by Crestopia Reptiles out of El Dorado x Dior

  • Orazzio


    Produced by Guy’s Gecko out of Yoshi x Aurora

    Yoshi Produced by A&K Crestie Hatched 11/6/2016 out of Cee x Quake

    Cee -Pangea Line;

    Quake-Scaredy Cat Geckos out of Chowder x Anarchy

    Anarchy-LAC Herps out of Twerp produced by Allen Repashy x Toulouse Repashy production (Half sibling to Janus (Apollo’s Gecko)

    Aurora Produced By Altitude Exotics out of Blizzard x Unknown - Hatched Summer 2016