Produced by us here at Paradise Cresties out of Fayette x Shere Khan

    Fayette was produced by Main Street Geckos out of Ajani x Karma

    Ajani produced by Apollo's Geckos out of Cee x Lava

    Karma produced by Supreme Geckos

    Shere Khan Produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Kringle x Spiffy

    Kringle is Out of Ruddy Duck x Wallflower

    Ruddy Duck was produced by Bad Obsession Reptiles (Kelly Hunt) out of Rex x Perdita

    Wallflower is out of Chowder & Shuttle

    Spiffy produced by by AC Reptiles out of Candy x Kilo




    Produced by Altitude Exotics




    Produced by Paradise Cresties out of Red Hot Chili x Drama King

    Red Hot Chili was produced by The Urban Reptile

    Drama King was produced by The Harlequin Hoard out of Niji Dash x Catarina

    Niji Dash produced by Mindscape Reptiles out of Lumina (Northern Gecko) x Inazuma

    Catarina is out of Giselle (out of Lucia x Herbie) x Unnamed from Gecko Daddy.




    Produced by Fireside Geckos out of Royce x Tig

    Tig from Cristies Reptile Room out of Leppard x Hamby

    Leppard produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Falk x York

    Hamby produced by The Menagerie out of their pairing Captain x Ingrid

    York produced by Crown Jewel Reptiles: out of Boyfriend x Sam

    Falk was Produced by Erica O'Connor at Crown Jewel Reptiles out of Speckled Like A Leopard and John's Girl - Formerly named Gamey




    Produced by us here at Paradise Cresties out of Saison x Frezza

    Saison Produced by Scaredy Cat Geckos out of Chowder x Bad Fish

    Bad Fish was produced by Lucky Find Geckos Rhaegar x Rust Venture

    Frezza Produced by Gecko Barracks out of Calocks and Nizar

    Calocks is out of Calibre x On The Rocks

    Calibre is out of Owen x Venus

    On The Rocks is out of Mufasa x Obsidian

    Venus was Produced by: Ridge & Valley Reptiles out of Sire: Pins (aka Castellano) Dam: Uno (aka Crescenza))

    Owen Produced by Crown Jewel Reptiles out of Speckled Like A Leopard X Patience




    Produced by us here at Paradise Cresties out of Trainwreck x Mirage

    Trainwreck produced by MLM Geckos out of Angelfood (formerly Michonne) and Chupacabra (Formerly Potpie) from JBs Cresties,

    Chupacabra is out of Stephan [F2] X Enchilada

    Mirage Produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Monroe and Spinnaker

    Monroe was Produced by Limey of Royal Reptilia

    Spinnaker is out of York and Falk

    York produced by Crown Jewel Reptiles: out of Boyfriend x Sam

    Falk was Produced by Erica O'Connor at Crown Jewel Reptiles out of Speckled Like A Leopard and John's Girl - Formerly named Gamey



    Produced by Scaredy Cat Geckos out of Trophy and Burn Out

    Trophy is out of Dream Catcher and V's Girl by Derek Dunlop,

    Burn Out produced by Rockstar Geckos out of Cheap Trick and Blur

    Cheap Trick is out of Karma x Cricket

    Cricket was produced by Giggle Geckos out of Fusion x Trickster

    Trickster produced by Bad Obsession Reptiles



    Produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Fury x Zulu

    Fury was produced by Rachel Lasseter of Nautilus Reptiles out of Truesilver x Ingrid.

    Truesilver is out of Clara x Wedgie

    Zulu hatched 8/30/2011 out of Inazuma x Limoncello

    Limoncello produced by Melissa @ Sublime Reptiles out of Scarface and Amia




    Produced by us here at Paradise Cresties out of Dee Dee and Zazzle

    Dee Dee was produced by Crestopia Reptiles out of El Dorado x Dior




    Produced by us here at Paradise Cresties out of Zinfandel x Danger

    Zinfandel produced out of Corona x Tourmaline

    Corona produced by Creepy Exotics out of Titan and Piccata.

    Tourmaline produced by Red Sky Geckos out of New Boy x Watermelon

    Danger was produced by Austral Gecko out of Tacoma and Tsunami



    Produced by Lazy Dragon from Poland


    Produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Wallflower and Merriment

    Wallflower is out of Chowder x Shuttle

    Merriment is out of Freja x Mason

  • HUGO

    Produced by Gui’s Gecko and Hidden Valley Reptiles out of Blazing Comet and Dove

    Blazing Comet produced by Hidden Valley Geckos out of Jericho an Pandora

    Jericho produced by Scaredy Cat Geckos out of Soap Bubbles x Moondrop

    Soap Bubbles produced by Scaredy Cat Geckos out of Chowder x Flossie

    Pandora Produced by Epic Geckos out of Marshall x Kit Kat

    Kit Kat is out of Bonsai x Amunet

    Dove Produced by Main Street Geckos out of Ajani x Karma

    Ajani Produced by Apollo's Geckos out of Cee x Lava

    Karma Produced by Supreme Geckos


    Produced by Zengex out of Jarvis and Pei Pei

    Jarvis was produced by BFG

    Pei Pei produced by Epic Geckos out of Kit Kat x Marshall

    Kit Kat is out of Bonsai x Amunet

  • Shere Khan



    Produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Kringle x Spiffy

    Kringle Out of Ruddy Duck x Wallflower

    Ruddy Duck was produced by Bad Obsession Reptiles (Kelly Hunt) out of Rex x Perdita

    Wallflower is out of Chowder & Shuttle

    Spiffy produced by by AC Reptiles out of Candy x Kilo

  • Shere Khan

  • Amboosh


    Produced by Gui’s Gecko out of Amber x Boomer

    Amber produced by Produced by Scaredy Cat Geckos Taurus x Crusade

    Taurus- produced by The Lazy Dragon;

    Crusade -produced by Nautilus Reptiles out of Truesilver x Gertrude

    Boomer Produced by Gekkonidazed Geckos Emoji x Myrrha

    Emoji produced by Scaredy Cat Geckos David x Raspberry (Northern Gecko)

    Myrrha out of Inoki x Alice

    Inoki is out of Namus x Akua

  • Amboosh

  • Delacroix



    Produced by us here at Paradise Cresties out of Zaire x Jake (no lineage)

    Zaire was produced by Sublime Reptiles out of Voltaire and Lacallie

    Voltaire is out of Scarface x Avalon

    Lacallie produced by Sublime Reptiles out of Aquinas x Limoncello

    Limoncello is out of Amia x Scarface

  • Amboosh