Genevieve & Wonder
Produced by us here at Paradise Cresties out of Amyrillis x Drama King
Amyrillis Produced by Apollo’s Geckos out of Janus x Shallaos
Janus was produced by Apollo’s Geckos out of Cee X Lava
Shallaos was produced by Reptile Specialty out of Element x Inferno
Drama King Produced by The Harlequin Hoard out of Catarina x Niji Dash
Catarina is out of Giselle x Unnamed from Gecko daddy
Giselle out of Herbie x Lucia
Niji Dash was produced by Mindscape Reptiles out of Lumina x Inazuma
Produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Stargazer x Spinnaker
Stargazer is out of Inazuma x Vega
Spinnaker is out of York and Falk
York produced by Crown Jewel Reptiles: out of Boyfriend x Sam
Falk was Produced by Erica O'Connor at Crown Jewel Reptiles out of Speckled Like A Leopard and John's Girl - Formerly named Gamey
2023 Hatchlings