Lovelace & Fogbuster

  • Lovelace


    Produced by Guy’s Gecko out of Amber X Onyx

    Onyx is a Lilly White Produced by Lilly Exotics

    Amber was produced by Scaredy Cat Geckos out of Taurus X Crusade

    Crusade was created by Nautilus Reptiles out of Truesilver x Gertrude

    was created by Lazy Dragon



    Produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Monroe and Spinnaker

    Monroe was Produced by Limey of Royal Reptilia

    Spinnaker is out of York and Falk

    York produced by Crown Jewel Reptiles: out of Boyfriend x Sam

    Falk was Produced by Erica O'Connor at Crown Jewel Reptiles out of Speckled Like A Leopard and John's Girl - Formerly named Gamey

2023 Hatchlings