Treasure & Narukami
Produced by us here at Paradise Cresties out of Aberdeen x Wonder
Aberdeen was Produced by Crystal-Line Geckos out of Maynard and Cypress
Maynard produced by Rockstar Geckos out of Johnny Cash x Madonna
Johnny Cash produced by L.A.C Herps out of Zoop x Twink
Madonna produced by LAC Herps out of Marmot x Galaxy
Cypress produced by Adventure Gecko out of Poplar x Turnip
Wonder Produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Stargazer xSpinnaker
Stargazer is out of Inazuma x Vega
Spinnaker is out of York and Falk
York produced by Crown Jewel Reptiles: out of Boyfriend x Sam
Falk was Produced by Erica O'Connor at Crown Jewel Reptiles out of Speckled Like A Leopard and John's Girl - Formerly named Gamey
Produced by us here at Paradise Cresties out of Dion x Mirage
Dion was produced by Crestopia Reptiles out of Goldmember and Zuma
Zuma created by Sublime/Mindscape Reptiles collaboration out of Acacia x Inazuma
Mirage Produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Monroe and Spinnaker
Monroe was Produced by Limey of Royal Reptilia
Spinnaker is out of York and Falk
York produced by Crown Jewel Reptiles: out of Boyfriend x Sam
Falk was Produced by Erica O'Connor at Crown Jewel Reptiles out of Speckled Like A Leopard and John's Girl - Formerly named Gamey